An Act to authorize appropriations
for fiscal year 1998 for military activities of the Department of Defense, for military
construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe
personnel strengths for such fiscal year for the Armed Forces, and for other purposes
Public Law 105-85
Enacted 18 November 1997
The following is the section
of this Public Law relevant to Taiwan.
text of Public Law 105-085

Subtitle B-Naval Vessels and Shipyards
- SEC. 1025. Transfers of Naval Vessels to
certain foreign countries.
- (a) AUTHORITY.-The Secretary of the Navy is
authorized to transfer vessels to foreign countries on a sales basis under section 21 of
the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2761) as follows:
- (1) To the Government of Brazil, the HUNLEY class
submarine tender HOLLAND (AS 32).
- (2) To the Government of Chile, the KAISER class
oiler ISHERWOOD (T-AO 191).
- (3) To the Government of Egypt:
- (A) The following frigates of the KNOX class:
- (i) The PAUL (FF 1080).
- (ii) The MILLER (FF 1091).
- (iii) The JESSE L. BROWN (FFT 1089).
- (iv) The MOINESTER (FFT 1097).
- (B) The following frigates of the OLIVER HAZARD
PERRY class:
- (i) The FAHRION (FFG 22).
- (ii) The LEWIS B. PULLER (FFG 23).
- (4) To the Government of Israel, the NEWPORT class
tank landing ship PEORIA (LST 1183).
- (5) To the Government of Malaysia, the NEWPORT
class tank landing ship BARBOUR COUNTY (LST 1195).
- (6) To the Government of Mexico, the KNOX class
frigate ROARK (FF 1053).
- (7) To the Taipei Economic and Cultural
Representative Office in the United States (the Taiwan instrumentality that is designated
pursuant to section 10(a) of the Taiwan Relations Act), the following frigates of the KNOX
- (A) The WHIPPLE (FF 1062).
- (B) The DOWNES (FF 1070).
- (8) To the Government of Thailand, the NEWPORT
class tank landing ship SCHENECTADY (LST 1185).
- (b) COSTS OF TRANSFERS.-Any expense incurred by
the United States in connection with a transfer authorized by subsection (a) shall be
charged to the recipient.
SHIPYARDS.- To the maximum extent practicable, the Secretary of the Navy shall require, as
a condition of the transfer of a vessel under this section, that the country to which the
vessel is transferred have such repair or refurbishment of the vessel as is needed, before
the vessel joins the naval forces of that country, performed at a shipyard located in the
United States, including a United States Navy shipyard.
- (d) EXPIRATION OF AUTHORITY.-The authority to
transfer a vessel under subsection (a) shall expire at the end of the two-year period
beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act.

Source: THOMAS |